Sausalito Historical Society Annual Meeting - Plus Memories of the Marin Fruit Company

Sausalito Historical Society Annual Meeting - Plus Memories of the Marin Fruit Company

Date/Time:  Tue., May 12 - 7:00 p.m.

Site:  Sausalito City Hall Council Chambers

Plan on attending the Annual Meeting of the Sausalito Historical Society.  Hear a report on the Society’s activities from President Jerry Taylor and be introduced to new Board members. 

Following the business portion of the meeting there will be a special presentation entitled Memories of the Marin Fruit Company and “Willie.”  The Marin Fruit Company grocery store on Bridgeway was a longtime Sausalito institution, as was its owner Yee Tock Chee, known to all as Willie.  Willie’s son Nathan Yee and grandson Donald Jen, both Sausalito natives, will reminisce about the store and the people of the Marin Fruit Company.